Cookie Policy


The Privacy Guarantor, with provision dated 05.08.2014 n. 229 published in the Official Journal no. 126 of 06.03.2014, has adopted the European Directive on cookies, aimed at protecting the privacy of Users.

The following information, therefore, fulfills the obligation to allow the privacy of each User without compromising navigation of the website visited by you.

The following information may be updated and for this reason we invite you to visit this page regularly.

If you do not agree with this information, we invite you not to use our services.


When you visit our website, we may collect some information such as: IP address, the browser you are using

If you use a mobile device, we may also collect data about your device and its settings. We may also collect information about you, your preferences. The data collected is used and shared by us for:

  • Bookings: your personal data is used to complete and manage your online booking and communicated to third parties closely linked to your purchase;
  • Customer support: we share your data with the customer support staff/service for all your needs related to the purchase made;
  • Account management: If you decide to create a user account, the information you provide allows us to manage this function, and allows you to use the service in the future more easily and quickly;
  • Marketing Activities: To the extent permitted by law, we use your information to send you news about products or services that may be of interest to you. At any time you can decide to deactivate the receipt of marketing communications by using the appropriate link;
  • Other types of communications: depending on the type of contact you have shared with us we may contact you by email, post, telephone or text message if we need to:
    • manage your request;
    • send you reminders to complete a booking/purchase;
    • send you an invitation to express your opinion on the service/purchase made;
    • send you material that may be useful to you in using the service/purchase.
  • Market research: the additional personal information you provide to us during your participation in market research will be used only with your permission;
  • Fraud Detection and Prevention: We may use the information you provide to us to detect and prevent fraud or other illegal or unwanted activities.
  • Improvement of our services: your data is used by us to improve our services and the functionality and quality of our site.


In some cases it may be necessary for us to use third-party service providers, who manage your data exclusively on our behalf.

The purpose could be to simplify payment, send marketing material or analysis services. Each third party company is bound by confidentiality agreements with us and are prohibited from using your personal data for their own purposes or for any other purpose.

We may share your data with law enforcement or other government authorities as required by law or if strictly necessary to prevent, detect or prosecute criminal activity.

Some commercial partners may receive your personal data from us, if you request it, we therefore invite you to read the privacy conditions on the sites of our commercial partners to obtain more information.

Mobile Devices

We provide free apps for a wide range of mobile devices and a mobile-optimized version of our site. These apps and the mobile site handle your personal data in the same way as the website.


Cookies consist of data that a website stores in the browser of your computer or mobile device.

There are various types of cookies:

  • Technical cookiesare those that are used to provide the service in a better way to those who use it.
    They are those that the site uses to allow you to better navigate the site.
    For example, cookies that remember what you have in your cart or the language you prefer.
    These are those for which your prior authorization is not required.
  • Profiling cookies are those that use your personal data to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by you. Being invasive of your private sphere, they require your consent;
  • Cookie analiticiAnalytical cookies are those we use to optimize and improve the site and to ensure that the site is always interesting and relevant.
  • Third Party Cookiesare used by third parties to display personalized advertisements on our site or on other websites. Commercial cookies may also be used by third parties to display their products and services on our site.

Anyone has the possibility to ask to be removed from tracking by profiling or third-party cookies.

The management of information collected by "third parties" is governed by the relevant information to which please refer. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, below are the web addresses of the various information and methods for managing cookies that could be used on this site.

Facebook information: Facebook (configuration): log in to your account. Privacy section.
Twitter information: Twitter (configuration):
Linkedin information: Linkedin (configuration):
Google+ information: Google+ (configuration):
Google Analytics Cookies:
Google Adwords & Google Remarketing Cookies:
Yandex Metric:

It is also possible to manage third-party cookies that adhere to you via this website:

Our cookies can have variable durations. In particular, there are session cookies: valid within a single search or browsing session and disappear when the browser is closed, and permanent cookies of variable duration. The maximum duration of some cookies in this second category is 5 years. At any time you have the possibility to delete all cookies from your browser.

Disable Cookies

To change the configuration of third-party profiling cookies you can click on the links indicated above. Furthermore, the main browsers can be set to prevent cookies from being accepted. However, deactivating cookies may cause navigation difficulties or, sometimes, the inability to use some features of the Site.

Below are the ways to deactivate cookies for the most used browsers. To set cookies in browsers other than those listed, you must refer to the information documentation drawn up by the browser manufacturer.

  • Internet Explorer 8.0+
    - Click “Tools” in the menu bar and select “Internet Options”-Click the “Privacy” tab at the top-Drag the slider to “Block all cookies”
  • Firefox 4.0+
    - Click on “Tools” in the menu bar-Select “Options”-Click on the “Privacy” tab-Check the “Enable the anti-tracking of personal data option” box
  • Google Chrome
    - Click on the “Chrome Menu” in the browser toolba
    - Select "Settings"
    - Click “Show advanced settings”
    - In the Privacy section, click on the “Content Settings” button
    - In the “Cookies” section select “Ignore exceptions and block the setting of third-party cookies”
  • Safari 5.0
    - Click on the Safari menu and select “Preferences”
    - Click on the “Security” tab
    - In the “Accept cookies” section specify whether to accept cookies always, never or only from the sites visited.

In any case it is possible to refer to the support of the producers of the major browsers:


ATTENTION: By continuing to browse our site you implicitly accept the cookies that the system will install.

Noi e terze parti selezionate utilizziamo cookie o tecnologie simili per finalità tecniche e, con il tuo consenso, anche per altre finalità come specificato nella cookie policy.

Usa il pulsante “Accetta” per acconsentire.
